Any experience of Cactus shoulder straps?

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    • #13898 Reply
      Andrew Chisholm

      A couple of light weight day-packs from Cactus like the Henry seem very appealing.

      However they have fairly unpadded shoulder straps, compared to the seriously padded equivalents from Macpac.

      Does anyone have any experence with these (shoulder straps, or in general)? I wouldn’t want to get sore shoulders a few hours into an SK!


    • #17557 Reply


      The Cactus Henry comes highly reccomended (according to close sources…)

      (I think they have two versions out now – a mountain henry that is a bit more durable fabric at the expense of an extra 100g)

      They have been proven on many an a mad mission …. SK, Sthn Xing, Heaphy, Kepler, H-J, Leslie-Karamea-Wangapeka (25hr!) etc, etc.

      The greater percentage of Mtn runners I know of swear by them.
      As for the xxtra padding that meana xtra weight :-(.

      Maybe santa might bring me one for Xmas….?


    • #17558 Reply

      The whole idea of carrying a Henry is to travel light – sooo, you won’t have any weight in your pack to worry about (6kgs at the most for an SK). Besides Andrew with shoulders as broad as yours and your usual weekend packweight, when wearing a Henry you’ll keep stopping to look behind you to see where your pack has gone.

    • #17559 Reply
      Andrew Chisholm

      Thanks to all for the advice. I’m now the proud owner of a Cactus Alpine Henry.

      Roll on the SK.

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