Anyone like collecting info?

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      Hello again.

      With the unforeseen absence to-date of respondents who are rich enough to take over the trip stats role without the guarantee of a generous 7 figure salary, is there anyone out there who might be keen to do it on a less profitable voluntary basis?

      Please email me if you’re interested. The main part of the role is to nag trip leaders about how many members and non-members turned out for their trips, and record this data. Every year, the collated numbers are needed for an annual report to help compare where the club’s going and how things are changing over time. At other times the data can just be generally interesting for various trip planning purposes, and there’s room to make what you like from it (or not).

      If you’re planning to not lead any trips this schedule but still want to help out, it’s a great way to achieve inner moral satisfaction, which will probably lengthen your life by a good decade or more (allowing for a longer tramping career!).

      I’m presently using an OpenOffice database (like MS Access but not), but it could easily be done in a spreadsheet, or whatever app your choice might be. Even something like Google Apps.


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