Anyone want to lead a trip to Te Kopahau Reserve?

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    • #14746 Reply
      Mike McGavin

      Hi everyone.

      Would anyone be keen to take over leading a Medium-level daywalk around Te Kopahau Reserve on Feb 14th? That’s the area around the wind turbine behind the Karori Sanctuary fence, and out above Wellington’s south coast. The WCC has some details on its FeelingGreat website at

      Unfortunately just as the trip schedule’s come out, I’ve discovered that I’m likely to be overseas for work during that time, so I won’t be able to lead it.

      There are several options in the area which range from just walking around on the tops of the hills, or alternatively going down to stomp around in the stream (which I forget the name of) for a while and/or checking out the WW2 bunkers or Red Rocks.

      If it’s good February weather and you’re the kind of person who likes views, the views over Cook Straight and over the city from that area can be very scenic. Alternatively if you’re the kind of person who likes perpetually undulating walks, there’s lots of opportunity but not much necessity.

      Thanks for any help with this.

    • #18088 Reply
      Mike McGavin

      You’re all too late! Helen’s offered to take over with organising it. (Thanks Helen.)


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