Arete Forks

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    • #13889 Reply
      Joe Hubmann

      Has anyone been to Arete Forks from Tarn Ridge or Cow Creek recently? If so, I’d appreciate hearing about the track/route condition and travel times.

    • #17553 Reply

      Allen Higgins was there in the last few weeks. Went in via Cow Creek sidle track I think and reportedly that track is in good nick having been remarked and cleared in recent times. Get along to club on a wednesday night and I’m sure you’ll run into him or Sue.

    • #17556 Reply
      Gary Goldsworthy

      Hi Joe

      I walked over the sidle track from CC to AF last w/e. The track is clear and in good condition. The DOC time posted at CC IS 4-5hrs for the sidle track, however it took four of us old farts who don’t get out in the hills much these days (read not very fit), 2.5 hrs.

      Re the track/route to AF from Tarn Ridge, you’d best ask Allen or Sue as they were the last people to visit AF from there. But entries in the hut log book indicate a bit of a srub bash down the old route from TR. The Waingawa, though, has been scoured clean by a land slip in the head, so is pretty quick travel to AF (about 1hr).

      Comments in the log books re travel down the Waingawa gorge indicate times of 1.5 – 2 hrs for the trip with the odd ‘swim’ on the way.

      Alternatively, you could always take the high route to Mitre Flats from AF via Table Ridge. Great views on a nice day, but this route gets hammered by the wind! Allow say 4.5 – 5.5hrs for this route.

      Hope this is of some use. Have a great trip.

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