Aron Ralston Talk at TTC, 9 Nov

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      Jim Kimber

      Hi there
      Further to my announcement at club on Wednesday 3rd, it appears that Aron Ralston won’t be staying in Wellington for very long, so if you’re keen to hear him talk about his life, his climbing and chopping his own arm off, and to purchase an autographed copy of his book at a discount price, then head along to the Tararua Tramping Club on Tuesday 9th November. The TTC has officially invited WT&MC members to attend what will be a highly entertaining evening.

      Talking of entertaining evenings and autographed books… we’ll be doing much the same on Wednesday 10th: Jonathan Kennett will be along to talk about the history of cycling in new Zealand, and to promote his book on the same subject. Thanks to Andrew and Jo for arranging this – it should be great. See you then!


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