Arthur’s Pass at Easter- Interested?

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      Hullo! I’m leading a WTMC Medium trip to Arthur’s Pass at Easter. Interested? It’s time (or perhaps a little late!) to think about flights and shuttles so, I am looking to get organized next week.

      This is a Medium trip with 6 to 8 hours days (I hope). Some navigation will be required and I am always looking for support with that!

      The trip basics: walk up Mingha River valley to Goat Pass Hut, walk up to Lake Mavis and over to Edwards River valley, down Edwards River back to civilization. There will be climbing of scree slopes, a fair bit of time on open tops and lots of river crossings and a few streams as well.

      The basic plan is to fly to Chch on Thursday night. Drive to track Friday morning. Walk. Emerge Monday and drive back to Chch. Fly home Monday night.

      Costs yet to be determined but will include your own flights to Chch, shuttle to Arthur’s Pass and backpackers in Chch (Thursday night).

      If you are interested please email me at for more info. Should be an awesome weekend!

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