Aussie adventurer Jon Muir talking in Wellington Tues 31 Aug

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      Jon Muir is an Aussie adventurer famous as much for his successes as for his heroic attempts to pull off interesting trips. This is a guy who never stops exploring.

      He started out as a mountaineer. Some of his achievements include summitting Everest after a few attempts and climbing Aconcagua in Peru in a day. He has climbed Changabang in the Indian Himalayas and put up a new route on Shivling’s South West Pillar.

      He has undertaken several solo epic trips into the Australian desert one of which involved wandering around for 2 weeks eating only bush food, another involved spending 34 days in the desert.

      He has kayaked from Cooktown to Cape York on the Queensland coast.

      He also completed the first unsuported trek from Ross Island to the South Pole and back with Peter Hilary and Eric Philip.

      In 2000 he attempted to cross Australia unassisted – another desert trek. He tried again in 2001 and succeeded. This particular trip was made into an excellent documentary “Alone Across Australia” which showed at Banff a few years ago. Since then Jon has done more desert trips and he has been to the North Pole.

      Jon will be in Wellington to give a talk on Tuesday 31 Aug. Pencil the date in your diaries if interested. I’ll post again about the time, place and cost when these details are available. I doubt his talk will be boring.

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