Avalanche Awareness Seminar 9 June 2008

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      the Wellington Branch of the NZ Mountain Safety Council is holding an Avalanche Awareness Seminar on Monday 9 June 7-9pm at Turnbull House. Entry is by gold coin donation.

      The seminar will cover basic stuff like how an avalanche is formed, the different types of avalanche, how to manage the risks posed by avalanches and what to do if you encounter an avalanche. MSC will also be promoting their own alpine and avalanche courses.

      There will be spot prizes donated by the evenings sponsor Southern Horizons.

      Speakers/slide show presenters = Steve Striver, MSC instructor with considerable avalanche expertise here and in the US and Jamie Fitzgerald whom, I understand is a professional adventurer – kayaking, Antartica etc.

      The seminar is open to anyone who is interested.
      I recommend this seminar, especially to people who tramp in the snow but prefer not to be buried by it.

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