Baring Head Working Bee Saturday 23 March

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      From the friends of Baring head….

      There is a Working Bee on Saturday 23 March meet at 10am at the Baring Head/East Harbour Regional Park car park

      *Plant after-care – *We did a small planting late last year in an area that had just been retired from grazing.Despite going into the ground late, and being in a particularly windy spot, most have survived.We will spend a few hours cutting grass around them, and hopefully also mulching some using noxious water weeds out of the river. So it would be great to have some people keen and equipped for wading in deepish water.Gloves advised. If you can bring some hedge clippers or grass clippers, that will make the job easier.


      *Finishing the pumphouse restoration -*We have completed most of the restoration, including replacing the roof and window, and painting three of the walls.By the 23^rd the fourth wall will be sanded and ready for painting.The last job will be to install the new door and clean the interior. If the door is ready we will also do that on the 23rd . If not, we will schedule another day in April for that work.Once the interior is clean, seats will be installed. The pumphouse is next to a great swimming hole, so we hope it will become a popular destination for families.


      *Beach Clean Up* – For those who are in the mood for a long walk, we will also do a beach cleanup.Walkers will leave the carpark, walk up and over the hill to Fitzroy Bay, and then right around the coast to the coastal carpark.They will pick up all the plastic and other waste, and leave the bags by the coastal road to be picked up by the ranger at the end of the day.

      If you are interested in any of these activities, please contact Colleen Davey by email or by ‘phone on 972 8189
      Transport might be able to be arranged for people with no car.

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