Belmont Regional Park Management Plan

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    • #12251 Reply

      The Wellington Regional Council (aka Greater Wellington) have given WTMC an early chance for us to say how we see Belmont being management in the next 5-10 years. Whats you vision for Belmont? Would you like to see more tracks? More Revegetation? Better linkages through to say Whitby from the Hutt? Better trak marking? Less sheep?

      If you have any ideas post them here. There will be a chance for futher public comment when a draft plan is out but this is a great chance to help set the agenda.

    • #16425 Reply
      Grant Newton


      I would like to see more tracks – opportunities for both mountain biking and walking (maybe other activities) and a return to more vegetation and less sheep. To have well signposted access from a variety of places and not just the eastern side would enable better use. The extensive land area could support a huge number of tracks for a wide variety of people.

      Makara Peak has been a great example of how the council and volunteers have worked to produce a valuable asset for the region. At the moment Belmont still seems a farm with a bit of public access ….. would be nice to see it’s recreational potential enhanced for public benefit.


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