Beta Test system for Legal Access Rights

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    • #15124 Reply

      Hi everyone.

      If you’re not already aware, the Walking Access Commission now has its beta mapping website (WAMS) up if anyone’s keen to check it out.

      The intent of the project is to provide a nationwide online mapping database that makes it clear where legal property boundaries exist between public and private land, based on data held by LINZ and various local authorities. Once they’re done it should in theory be straightforward to figure out which parts of New Zealand it’s reasonable to expect legal access for walking on.

      This is specifically a test system as they’re after test users. To get access to an account you have to agree not to share any insights or feedback with anyone except the Walking Access Commission, and there’s an interface on the website for providing them with feedback. Therefore please only check it out if you’re okay with not talking about it with others.

      The account-obtaining system for the testing is automated, but a bit roundabout — I had to create an account for one system, then it issued me with a completely separate username/password to access the actual system.

    • #18368 Reply

      Hi Mike,
      Thanks for the link!

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