building a passive solar hot water heater

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    • #12311 Reply
      jeff weir

      Hi clubbies. This is more about being green than tramping, but hey – ultimately we can’t have one without the other.

      Does anyone know pf a good website, book, person or place to get easy step by step plans on building & installing your own passive solar hot water heater? It seems that you can reduce your power/gas bill by up to 25% with one of these babies, but I’m finding it hard to source info with an NZ context re this. They should be easy & cheap enough to construct, but then I’m tool-challenged.

      Also, perhaps one of these babies would be good at the club lodge – unless we already have one.

      Speaking of babies, I now have one of my own – a wee girl – hense between her & university committments have not been down to club or out tramping for ever. Hope to be down there while there’s still some summer left.



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