Bushcraft anyone?

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    • #15087 Reply

      Hi my name is Ryan Hunt, I am a member of the Alpine Sports Club and have been affiliated with LandSAR over the years.

      I have recently developed a network for bushcraft in NZ, a great passion of mine and of many other kiwis. http://www.bushcraft.org.nz

      We have a big competition going at the moment to help spread the word with a Bushcraft Prizepack up for grabs, with an entry everytime you tell a friend who signs up.


      At heart we are just a bunch of kiwis who enjoy learning to be self sufficient in the bush and engaging in the natural world. Anyone who enjoys the outdoors will love bushcraft, so please forward this email to your members if at all possible.

    • #18341 Reply

      Thanks for that. I’m from the UK and bushcraft is HUGE over there, I’ll join up from sure its good fun.

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