Club night on 6 Oct

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    • #12512 Reply
      Jim Kimber

      Hey everyone
      Just to let you know that there’s a change of venue for club night on Wed 6 October.
      The TTC is arranging for the floor of the Tararua Hall to be cleaned and polyurethaned (is this a verb?), so we won’t be able to use the main hall on that night. The TTC has arranged for us to use the Quaker Hall, which is also on Moncrieff St, just up past the Tararua Hall.
      We will still be able to access the gear cupboards, downstairs, by using the side entrance.
      Hope that’s all clear. I’ll announce this at club next Weds.

    • #16667 Reply
      Jim Kimber

      Just a reminder that club night tonight (6 Oct) will be held at the Quaker Hall (top of Moncrieff St, just past the TTC Hall). We will still have access to the gear cupboards in the Tararua Hall, but please use the side door.

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