Club night presentation – 16th June

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      Gareth Morton

      The club has a special guest in Peter Sheppard on 16JUNE giving the club a talk on driver education, crash avoidance techniques and transport safety advice. This talk will be aimed at the clubs situation where we have people driving the 12-seater minivans who are not regular drivers of such vehicles, and who have to drive at night often on un-sealed and unfamiliar roads.
      Peter Sheppard has a long association with the driver education environment in NZ and overseas. Peter has presented a range of papers on adult driver education and crash causation, arranged conferences and seminars with some of the world’s leading researchers in driver behaviour and workplace road safety. In 2007, Peter was voted NZ Personality of the Year for his work in Road Safety & Driver Education.

      We can all learn something from Peter as none of us are “perfect drivers” so I would urge everybody to come along to listen. There will be the opportunity to ask questions too.


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