Clubbies doing their bit in the publications

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    • #12306 Reply

      Congrats to Grant Newton and Don Goodhue.

      Both active clubbies ( tho Don and Josey are heading South for a few months) and have written up some adventures in this months (DEC) Outdoor mags.

      Don has a WILDERNESS article on his Stewart Island, (in particular Pegasus Bay) travels with Josey, Eric & Christine Blumhart.

      Grant has an ADVENTURE mag article on his trek in Nepal to Kachenjunga base camp.

      Getting editors to accept your work is hard stuff ( one editor who shall remain nameless is particularly snotty ( – in my experience!)…however if writing is a hidden talent remember our very own newsletter and Journal… Ally Clark will nenver turn down a story and will always have very wide and welcome arms… will the Journal editor next year


    • #16452 Reply

      Not to mention John Rhodes – club “affiliate” (or is that SWTC member?)
      editing the FMC bulletin!


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