Coal Island Fiordland – volunteers wanted Dec 2008

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    • #14635 Reply
      Don Goodhue

      There are spaces available for a trip to Coal Island and Preservation Inlet in Fiordland to help out with conservation work (checking stoat traps). Volunteers would need to get themselves to/from the helicopter base at Tuatapere and pay $650 each towards costs. Fly in on Monday 8 December and out on the following Friday or Saturday. As well as spending time on Coal Island, the trip includes a couple of nights in the Puysegur Point area and exploring some of the historical gold workings in the area. I would rate the trip as a medium.

      A number of Club members have spent time with us at Kisbee and can tell you more about the place (Allen and Sue Higgens, Glynn).

      If you want more information or are inteested in getting involved drop me a line before 29 June (the next available trip club members could go on is in May 2009)

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