Committee positions

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    • #13720 Reply

      Hi all

      Just a reminder that the club AGM is coming up on 7 April

      We currently have a number of people standing for committee but nobody has offered to stand for the following positions:

      Promotions Officer
      Newsletter Editor
      Social Convenor

      The rest of the committee is quite busy with the roles in the club. We have to ensure that safety, training etc remain paramont in the club so there is no real scope within the rest of the committee to take on these roles

      Therefore unless some club members come forward to stand in these roles, then club members should expect some cut backs over the coming year. If we dont have a newsletter ed then realistically i cant see how there will be a newsletter, similarly there will need to be cut backs in other areas.

      Please consider whether you are able to help out – if not, then the committee will need to consider our response to this sitn.

      Wayne Stevens

    • #17407 Reply
      carol johnson

      Hi Wayne,

      I am quite new to Wellington and did manage to get along to a few meetings last year. I have been involved in tramping for years and have tramped reasonably extensively throughout parts of the NI and SI. Previously owning a bach in Arthur’s Pass for years.I was involved with the Hospital Tramping club in ChCh.I am not a member of your tramping club because I haven’t actually been on any over night tramps with you. I would be keen to help out with any social events if this is possible. Do you form a social committee? anyway I will leave the offer with you. I don’t know how it will stand with not being a member.
      Carol Johnson

    • #17409 Reply

      Hi Carol

      Thanks for the offer

      We certainly need help we do run a number of social trips during the year such as the Solstice trip to the lodge so im sure one of us will be in contact with you to you up on your offer to help out

      At this stage we dont have a social sub committee – but it would be good to have one formed but it needs somebody to run it. We do need helpers every weds night at club to help out with orgainising the supper, doing the dishes and arranging speakers. THe more we have to help out the easier it becomes for everyone

      thanks for your offer to help

    • #17411 Reply
      Jim Kimber

      Hey Wayne
      You know, I could just be tempted to stand for the social convenor job again… I mean, I hear the tea standards have been slipping recently… :-)
      Are you standing for Pres again next year?

    • #17412 Reply
      Grant Newton

      Good on ya Jim,

      You poms are never far from a cup of tea …… but remember the coffee for the non-poms!

      Gran ……. yep that’s Grant without the tea

    • #17413 Reply

      Great – the tea drinking brigade returns…

      Do we get that other “lunatic” (the one that Helen Clark gave a certificate to) as well?

      You would make a great social convenor. THe offer from Carol Johnson above to help is great one also – amybe worth getting in touch with her direct.


    • #17414 Reply
      Lee-Ann – Promotions officer

      Great to hear Jim..discerning tea drinkers in the club cannot wait for your return!

      While Glynne & Grant have tried, Glynne did think herbal tea bags meant re-using old ones and spun our coffee rations out by squishing the dregs and lumps.
      Grant not being a tea drinker still hasnt got the hang of how many teabags per pot.

      I feel a tea drinking ceremony coming on…

      Rumour has it placards and Tshirts are being printed as we speak for the remaining 2 positions (so we dont have to stop newsletters or close the front door to new people)

      “HARRY 4 NEWSLETTER EDITOR”…..I understand that whipping up an editorial and combining articles is possible between cups of tea, a few sections of the Dom post and the odd bit of work! perhaps if we schedule so many Tararua trips in the next schedule he’ll have a few weekends also?

      Rumour also has it that we have some well equipped ( smiles, friendly personalities and organisational skills to boot) members who could possibly be enticed everynight with one of Jim’s cuppa’s (handmade and delivered by him) for promotions officer……Lisa Tinkley, Gerald Dreaver,Bev Bacon, Anita Sua, Andrea Shepperd, Caroline wood or Caroline Dodson, anyone?..We will consider job share if 1 person wants to manage the door and another person doing new members night and emails!

    • #17415 Reply

      How about HARRY 4 PRESIDENT… go Harry

      Ive been thinking that the club should approach DoC and tell them that they need a marketing manager to promote the Tararuas and we have the ideal person lined up… Mr Smith..

      Rumour is Harry is doing the southern xing this weekend – he just ‘loves’ the Tararuas

      Go Harry…

    • #17416 Reply
      Jim Kimber

      You need to bear in mind that I’m a carnivorous Kiwi these days, not a veggie Pom. That said, I’m still pretty partial to a good cup of tea, and have not compromised my principles… I understand that Wednesday night expenditure lessened considerably under Glynne! I hope that I wouldn’t have to maintain such a frugal stance. I’ll be campaigning under a ‘Let them eat cake (well, chocolate biscuits anyway)’ slogan, so I’ll need assurances I’ll be able to deliver on my promises (after all, I’m not a real politician..).
      I’ll get in touch with Jeff, aka Mrs Kimber, to see if he might make the odd guest appearance (perhaps with the new little Jeff, aka Ines)…
      I’ll certainly get in touch with Carol, as it would be great to have someone to help out. Fantastic! It’ll be like the good old days… I’m certainly looking forward to getting back into WT&MC stuff, and doing the social convenor job again would be the icing on the cake (now there’s an idea…)

    • #17417 Reply
      Grant Newton

      Carnivorous Kiwi ….. things are looking up ….. maybe sausage rolls with tea and coffee?

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