Could people please visit my new tramping website

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    • #14619 Reply
      Phillip Collyns

      have been tramping since when I was 6 years old(10years tramping) and I am an experienced tramper. I have also started to bag closed tracks as these are fun to follow and almost have 150 huts bagged.

      My site is
      It is non-profit and purely to encourage, give ideas to other trampers or non-trampers to get outdoors and adults to take there children outdoors. As a teenager myself, tramping prevents me from getting bored during weekends and holidays.
      At the end of this year over Christmas, I am pioneering my own route though the Tasman Wilderness where we are going for 15 days, including rest days and mountain bagging days.
      Don’t forget my website is My site is
      I made this site because im pissed off with the wilderness not publishing my stories so ive published them on my site, I have made.
      Dont forget to tell all your friends, relatives etc

      Phillip Collyns

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