Current trips and meetings?

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    • #13921 Reply
      Penny Lewis

      Hello and happy new year!
      I wondered if the club meeting time/place has been changed over Christmas ’cause the last couple of times I’ve tried to attend the hall has been all locked up and quiet. Are meetings happening somewhere else? Also, if unable to track down the meetings, how can I find out about upcoming trips? Is there a list somewhere here (sorry for being dense, but I can’t seem to find it on the website if it is here).

    • #17577 Reply

      Hi Penny,

      Thanks for the posting.

      I’ve updated the trips
      page to contain an updated link to the summer 2005 trip list .
      I’ve change the link to a PDF to make life simpler for me. ( If anyone prefers the HTML version then let me know.)

      I think the first club night of 2005 is on Wednesday 12th. It will just be a social get together to tell woes of Xmas weather (no speakers organised).

      Most people arrive at the clubrooms at close to 8pm.


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