Cycle touring and tramping in NZ this Christmas

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    • #13633 Reply
      Simon Wakeman

      Hi to all my friends at the Tongue’n’Meats,

      I am heading back to kiwiland for 6 weeks this Christmas and looking forward to having some adventures while I am home. I am looking for something to keep me occupied between Boxing Day and New Year’s Eve and would be keen to join some Tongue’n’Meats for a bit of tramping if I can slot in on any trips for those few days. Please let me know if there are any plans I can be apart of.

      Then a few of my friends from Berkeley are coming to visit me in January, and I am planning a cycle touring trip to show them a bit of the South Island. We are tossing up between two ideas:
      1. A loop from Queenstown to Milford and back, then the Central Otago Rail Trails to Dunedin, and
      2. the Molesworth-Nelson Lakes loop, with a few days at the end in Nelson or the Sounds to finish.
      The choice is between seeing the best of the South Island nature and avoiding cars, tour buses, etc. I am keen to learn some more about these routes, and wonder whether any of the Tongue’n’Meats can share some of their wisdom.

      Best wishes to everyone,

    • #17324 Reply
      Grant Newton


      Good to hear you’ll be back for a while. Regarding the trips,

      Southern trip – there are several people who can help out regarding the Otago Rail trail including Mr Harry Smith (retired). All comments on this area have been positive. The interesting way from Queenstown to Milford is taking the Earnslaw to Walter Peak and heading to Te Anau via the Mavora Lakes (good camping at the lakes). If you can get permission between Kinloch and Mt Nicholas / Walter Peak via the lakeside farm track, then cycle Queenstown – Glenorchy – Kinloch – Walter Peak Stn – Mavora Lakes – Te Anau (plenty of camping along the way)

      Northern trip – Rainbow / Molesworth is excellent, though the only time the road is open each year is in January, so there will be a few cars (bikes with permission can go through at any time). Main hassle is not being able to camp within the station ….. tis about 60km from one end to the other. My favourite cycle trip is not too far away ….. Pelorous Bridge – FrenchPass – D’Urville Island (have a couple of day here) – Titirangi – Portage – Anikiwa ………… needs a couple of boat trips from the guy at French Pass (Danny)

      Drop me a line if you want further info as I have trip reports of both the Nelson / Marlborough trips.

      The Olivine Ice Plateau beckons for me this year


    • #17325 Reply

      Yep, the Otago Rail Trail is an excellent trip. Possibly even better is the Dunstan Trail, which has some big hills but some awesome wild, remote scenery, especially up on the tops of the ranges. The two trails combine together perfectly to form a great 6-day circuit.

      For information on the Rail Trail, see

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