cycling trips this winter??

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    • #14793 Reply
      Hans Wiskerke

      Hi all,

      Just wanted to check if there are any people interested in setting up a mailing list within WTMC for those who are keen to get cycling this coming winter season.
      As the weather becomes is getting less predictable the idea would be to use a ‘carpe diem’ approach – just check the weather forecast before the weekend, and find out if there any other souls wanting to out for a ride around the bays, a try at the Skyline Track, or maybe chucking the bikes in the car and do a smooth ride around Lake Wairarapa and get a cappuchino in Featherston afterwards.
      All suggestions welcome, just post a note on the forum and if there is sufficient interest we can set up a mailing list and make the best of this winter season.


    • #18113 Reply

      count me in – i’d be keen for a few cycle touring style trips also.

    • #18114 Reply

      Yup, count me in too! I’m keen for some short tours..

    • #18122 Reply
      Steve Austin

      Great idea Hans … please add me to the list, thanks.

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