Day walk in the Orongorongo Water Collection Area

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    • #12514 Reply
      chief guide

      We have just been offered 2 more oppertunities to visit the Orongorongo Water Collection Area.

      Date – 17 Oct (sunday) & 28 Nov (sunday)
      no cost to do the walk, petrol $ to the driver only

      The walk is of medium fitness grading “All participants must be fit enough to walk for a minimum of 8 hours on well-benched tracks in steep terrain”

      We have been allocated a maximum of 15 people (minimum of 5 for the walks to run).

      The group will be guided by a Greater Wellington park ranger as per normal on walks into the water collection area. These walks are facinating in terms of the forest & the history of the area it goes through, the rangers that guide the walks are knowlegable & keen to explain about the area.

      Previous trips into this area have been a really worthwhile way to spent the day.

      If you are interested please contact me asap.

      We need to confirm numbers for the walk on the 17th oct by the 6th Oct for this trip to run & to sort out transport.

      If you prefer the 28th Nov please let me know also.


    • #16662 Reply
      chief guide

      If you dont know much about this area …

      … normally off limits to the public being part of the water collection area for NZ … walk thru some origional stands of forest … views into the upper orongorongo valley and to the Tararuas … 2 very old weirs used for water collection … the tunnel that was built between the Wainuionata & Orongorongo valleys to run supplies & building materials etc into the orongorongo valley … the pack horse route between the two above mentioned valleys that was used to send supplies to the teams building the tunnel & only recently reopened … learn something about where our water comes from!

      As a club we go into an annual Ballot to get places on guided walks into this restricted area. We have been offered these additional weekends because we have had good numbers interested & go on these walks in the past (the guides are volunteers – usually trampers – & Wellington Regional Council rangers).

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