Digital Photos Night

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    • #12197 Reply
      Glynne Lloyd

      Hi there,

      I am looking at having a digital photos night on Wednesday 9 July. If you have some digital photos get in touch with me. If we end up with too many that does not matter as we can always run more digital nights.

      The truth is I don’t know how many of you are using these modern dang-fangled devices. When I did a random survey amongst 5 people on the bus the other night, two of the five could produce their digital cameras on the spot. Personally I’ve always found the 1895 Eastman Folding Kodet to be perfectly adequate for most situations, although I will grudgingly concede that sometimes it can be a little difficult to carry and set up.

      Please let me know how many photos you would like to show. Presumably someone knows how it all works and the best way of putting the show together.

      Looking forward to seeing your mega-bits and bytes.


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