Dismantling a Huntech pole

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      Is there any easy trick to getting these tent poles disassembled? (Referring to the Easton E9 7075 aluminium alloy pole which the club’s small Huntech Flys are built around, but would also be used in a bunch of other tents.)

      Mine was repaired by some guy a while back when it snapped, but it’s since had the elastic cord pop off the inside of the plug thingee on the end, I guess because it wasn’t re-attached well enough. I figured it’d be straightforward to get the plug thingee off so I could re-thread the cord and re-tie it, but after trying several various kinds of pliers and clamping, boiling water and a couple of previously undiscovered swear words, I can’t get it to budge.

      Is there a trick to this? I don’t want to yank it too hard in case I should be twisting or something, or vice versa.


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