Documentary “Journey from Zanskar”

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    • #15005 Reply

      I got this email on the membership email account:


      We at Documentary Edge invite your members to attend a screening of the documentary film “Journey from Zanskar”. Two buddhist monks escort 17 young children to travel nearly 200 miles, over passes of 5000 metres, to be educated at a Buddhist school.

      The film will be playing in Wellington on 20 March at 4:45 pm at the Angelika at Reading Cinemas Courtenay. For more information please visit

      Happy Tramping!

    • #18298 Reply

      and an interesting documentary it was too.

      People may also be interested in Mount St Elias, a “dramatic and awe-inspiring feature documentary following the 2007 attempt by a team of men to climb the 18,000 feet high Mt St Elias in Alaska and then ski the longest vertical descent in history”. On tonight, Monday night, and next Sunday.

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