Dragons Teeth trip Feb 2 – 6 2013

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    • #15489 Reply
      Hans W

      Hi all,

      Feb 2013 still seems far away, but it isn’t! On the trip schedule there’s a trip I’ll lead from the first weekend in Feb up to Waitangi Day. The plan is to be in the hills form Saturday morning Feb2nd (leaving Nelson early) and returning late on Wednesday 6th in Nelson. Due to the difficult terrain and smallish huts in the area the maximum group size will be six, and I’ve already been approached by three members who are on the list.

      If you are interested, have a high level of fitness and backcountry experience and want to join a great tramp, let me know as soon as possible. If I do not know you (yet?) ou’ll need to provide one reference from a previous WTMC trip leader or committee member.

      As there will be no other WTMC trips going to the Kahurngis that weekend, there will be no club van. You’ll need to arrange flights (or ferry + bus) to Nelson arriving Friday Feb 1st, and departing Feb 6th on 6PM or later.
      Accommodation in Nelson can be provided for free – just let me know if you need to stay over Friday night or are leaving on Thursday.

      Hans Wiskerke

    • #18665 Reply
      Hans W

      Just confirming the trip is now closed; we’ve kept it to a limit of 5 punters so we could use own transport.
      If anyone is interested in a Kahurangi trip in the future, just let me know as Mika and I are planning some more overnighttrips there.

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