Easy trip leader required QB w/e

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    • #14612 Reply
      Amelia Moody

      Hi all,
      This week I got made redundant effective basically immediately… To add to this, its almost exam time at uni and I’m not doing overly well in at least one paper…

      I am down to arrange the easy trip to the Kaweka Hot pools at Queens Birthday, but I really need to use that weekend now to job hunt, study for exams and relocate into cheaper accomodation…
      I am looking for someone who would be willing to lead the trip instead. At the moment there are 8 punters interested in going, as well as another group of 4 who are wanting to go up to Ballard Hut with Justin Parker volunteering to lead that trip.

      I’m also going to announce this at club on Wednesday, but thought I would try here first. I’m totally dissapointed that I cant go, but its just not a good idea at the moment with everything else thats going on!
      Your help will be much appreciated.

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