ECO – call for comments

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      **note – WT&MC is a member of th ECO – the Charter is not attached – to view go to

      Dear ECO Members,

      Once again we are preparing to develop a new Vote for the Environment Charter for this coming national election. VfE Charter 2002 is attached, alternatively you can find it on the as pdf file. We would appreciate you comments, suggestions, changes to the VfE Charter 2002. E.g. some of the issues raised two years ago might be completed by now. Please check the Contents as well and let us know if there is anything that in your opinion should be a part of the Charter 2005, but at the moment it is not there.

      Please send your comments back to us by 27 September. Also, it would make our work easier if you could use track changes (Microsoft Word feature under Tools). That way all your changes would be highlighted.

      Thank you for your help,

      Kate Lower
      ECO Executive Officer

      Environment and Conservation Organisations of New Zealand
      P O Box 11-057, Wellington, New Zealand
      phone/fax: 04 385-7545

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