ECO Conference 2005

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    • #12537 Reply

      FYI-The Club received the following email.

      Hi all,

      We just decided that our next year conference would be held on the
      weekend of 24-26 June 2005 in Wellington. We would appreciate any suggestions from you in regard to possible theme, speakers, workshops, field trips etc. Maybe someone would like to join Conference Committee and help to organise it?

      Please reply with “ECO Conference 2005” in the subject line.


      Kate Lower
      ECO Executive Officer

      Environment and Conservation Organisations of New Zealand
      P O Box 11-057, Wellington, New Zealand
      phone/fax: 04 385-7545

    • #16691 Reply
      Lu White

      Hi there,

      I am working with Mike Ward, Green MP and spokesperson on waste issues.
      We read with interest in your latest newsletter that the next ECO conference will be held in June in Wellington and we wondered if you would be interested in including a Waste Topic in the conference proceedings?
      Mike Ward would be happy to present a paper about this issue if you are looking for speakers on the topic?

      Best wishes, Lu

      Waste Free campaigner
      Green Party of Aotearoa NZ

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