FMC and You – Part time positions

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    • #15323 Reply

      Hey you,
      got some spare time and useful skills?

      Interested in working with like minded people to make a difference?

      Keen to give something back to the tramping/outdoor community to help protect and enhance the places we like to go tramping?

      Federated Mountain Clubs is a national umbrella organisation that looks after the interests of the tramping community. WTMC belongs to FMC.

      FMC is currently looking for a new secretary and a webmaster.

      Follow the attached link to view the position descriptions.

      These are important part time positions for which some remueration is available.

      This is a great opportunity to contribute to the tramping/outdoor community and make a difference.

      If you know of anyone who might be suitable please let them know.

      Applications close Wednesday 30 November.

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