FMC Youth Forum, Auckland, 1 May 2010

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      Darren Hammond

      Federated Mountain Clubs of NZ (Inc)
      P O Box 1604
      22 March 2010
      To Member Clubs:
      The FMC Executive is keen to raise the Federation’s profile with the youth and young adult
      demographic (broadly, anyone under the age of 30 years). It is also keen to promote tramping as an
      enjoyable outdoor experience to persons in this age group, and to explore ways of assisting clubs in
      attracting younger members. To accomplish these objectives, the Executive intends to hold a Youth
      Workshop in Auckland on Saturday 1 May 2010 at the Airport Gateway Hotel, 206 Kirkbride Road,
      Mangere, Auckland commencing at 9.30 am. For those that are interested, a day bushwalk in the
      Waitakere Ranges would be held on Sunday 2nd May to allow for further discussion/interaction in a
      less formal setting.
      We are keen to seek input from representatives of all clubs (not just those associated with a
      university, though they are very welcome too), as we would like to receive a broad range of
      opinions and ideas. It would be preferable if the club’s representative is under 30 years old. The
      intention of the workshop is to calibrate our thinking with that of the targeted younger demographic
      which in turn will help the FMC Executive to develop policy and strategy that continues to be
      relevant both to clubs and the next generation of trampers/mountaineers.
      Topics and ideas that we are keen to explore (but are not necessarily limited to) include the
      Raising the profile of FMC/Devising strategies to lobby on behalf of young New Zealanders:
      Advertising – Useful (yes/no)? If yes, what media/forms? – How should it be
      How do we back up any profile with practical services (and what services would be
      How do we create better feedback mechanisms between this demographic and FMC (e.g.
      website resources)?
      How about film festivals/video competitions, sponsoring environmental debates in a similar
      manner to the Youth United Nations?
      Understanding youth approaches to mountain safety/Raising awareness of available
      How accessible are Club or Mountain Safety Council training courses to students/young
      How can they be promoted better?
      Could training scholarships, group discounts be offered?
      Can FMC improve ways in which it could direct inquirers to local clubs and courses?
      Encouraging more young people to join clubs/Empowering more young people to explore the
      Are organised club trips too regimented for youth?
      Can club environments be changed to make young adults feel more empowered,
      independent, and that they ‘own’ trips (including planning/decision making)?
      Would a scholarship to encourage backcountry adventure/exploration be worth
      How can clubs be better marketed as useful resources to this age group that are available
      for them to tap in to?
      The above list and topics are not intended as exhaustive and all input is welcome. We hope that a
      representative from your club would be able to attend. If this is not possible, but you would still
      like to provide us with your thoughts and ideas, then electronic submissions sent to the coordinators
      (in time for inclusion with the discussion on the day) are welcome.
      For those that do wish to attend, we would appreciate it if you could please send an RSVP to (Jane)
      by no later than (21/04/10) to assist us with our planning and so that we can send you an
      information sheet with final arrangements. Note that morning and afternoon teas would be
      provided but that attendees would need to make their own arrangements for lunch.
      Jane Dudley Dennis Page
      Ph (09-815 2281) Ph (04 970 6901)

      Executive contact. Executive contact.

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