Food/drink in club vans

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    • #14847 Reply

      Hi all,

      I am hoping to get some feedback from club members about eating/drinking in the 2 club vans.
      As we all know, one of the first things people like to do after finishing a trip is to stop at the nearest service station to buy some “real” food like pies, ice creams and drinks; i guess Saturday night cous cous just doesn’t hit the spot for everybody!
      The club of course doesn’t want a complete ban on food or drink in the vans, particularly on longer drives to/from the Ruapehu lodge or Taranaki. My own opinion is to ban what i deem as “messy” food such as pies and ice creams which can leave a mess on the floor or the upholstery; such items should be consumed outside the van. Drink bottles purchased should also be plastic, as glass bottles could smash. This would need to be enforced by the driver primarily or another prominent member of the club. Signage could be added inside the vans also to remind people of this rule.
      Any thoughts or opinions are welcome which will be discussed at the next Committee Meeting.


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