free MSR Cooker

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    • #14230 Reply
      robert barrack

      I have two old MSR whisperlite cookers with old fuel bottles free for a good home.
      One works well the other is good for parts. Suitable for someone new to tramping who would dearly love a cooker and is happy to have ansecond hand one.

    • #17763 Reply


      Do you still have those msr cookers i’d love to own one but just cant afford a new one at this stage, i’m planning to go do the hump ridge track this winter,and could really do with a nice stove.

      look forward to here from you
      chris heaton.

    • #18134 Reply
      Damian Murphy

      robert barrack Wrote:

      > I have two old MSR whisperlite cookers with old
      > fuel bottles free for a good home.
      > One works well the other is good for parts.
      > Suitable for someone new to tramping who would
      > dearly love a cooker and is happy to have ansecond
      > hand one.

    • #18135 Reply
      Damian Murphy

      Hi Robert,

      Are the msr cookers still available?

      A friend of mine has an msr whisperlight and it looks a great stove but I shudder at the high cost of a new one. I’m heading off to the Tararua Southern crossing in a week or so then the Tongariro Northern Circuit later this winter so I could do justice to a decent stove.

      Kind regards
      Damian Murphy

    • #18138 Reply
      Sean Haggerty

      Hi Robert,

      I know that I am a little late on the response, but if there is anyway that you haven;t gotten rid of those cookers then I would be more then happy to take them off of your hands. I am new to the country and am looking at getting my hands on some camping gear to start my tramping expeditions.

      Kind Regards,
      Sean Haggerty

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