Free stuff – walking club journals

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    • #15076 Reply

      The club storage space was recently cleaned out and we’ve got a few collections of walking club journals to give away, free, to a good home.

      First of all, we’ve got a collection of back issues of the Sierra Club bulletin from 1966 to 1978. It’s incomplete: there are seventy-two of the thin US letter-sized magazines, each with lovely photographs and trip reports from the US and abroad. There are also articles on conservation since the club is one of the oldest such groups, founded by the famous naturalist John Muir.

      Next, we have twenty-four copies of The Canterbury Mountaineer. First issue is 1946-1947 (#16), last one is 1971-1972 (#41). There are two copies of the ’53/’54 issue, so no fighting, please! Each one has plenty of trip reports from south island trips including photos and hand-drawn maps. There are nice panoramas with all the peaks labelled in some of them too.

      Almost lastly come eight journals from the Mountain Club of South Africa, dating from 1951 to 1970. Trip reports are mainly from Africa. Some photos have routes marked on them and there’s the odd hand-drawn map in there too.

      Lastly is something I didn’t quite intend on taking: a few old issues of our journal. I have one from 1968 and two from 1981. The 1981 ones have a bit on ski touring and Vanda Station in Antarctica if anyone’d be interested in that…

      Post a reply if you want anything. Will put the remainder on the freecycle network and trademe. If that fails I might ask for some volunteers to help me distribute them around the hut network. Should make an interesting diversion for people who don’t take their own reading material!

    • #18335 Reply

      All gone to the Hutt Valley Tramping Club. Lucky them: they got what was possibly the first offer on the Wellington freecycle site that wasn’t a broken microwave!

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