Fuel for Whisperlite Stove

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    • #14947 Reply

      I am heading to Nelson Lakes over Christmas for a 6 day tramp (Travers-Sabine) and am wondering how much fuel I need to bring. There are 2 of us and we are planning on evening tea and dinner only with the stove.

      Any clues on the amount of fuel I should be carrying? Input would be greatly appreciated!


    • #18243 Reply
      Glynne Lloyd

      You don’t say whether or not you are cooking de-hy boil in the bag style dinners or something a little more demanding.

      Anyway, I suggest you budget on around 70 ml per person per day and then watch how you are going after a couple of days. Increase or decrease your brews after that to compendate. For 6 days and 2 people that would be in the order of 840 ml.

      As a minimum I would suggest at least 50 ml per person today if you are being miserly with your fuel consumption and using add boiling water style de-hy meals, i.e. 600ml for the trip.

      At the end of the trip write down how much you used and then use this as a guide for next time.

      Hope this help and regards,
      Glynne Lloyd

    • #18244 Reply
      Glynne Lloyd

      Also think about the consequences if you don’t carry enough. Will it means you go hungry or will you be carrying sufficient food that doesn’t require cooking. If the former then maybe be more conservative. And don’t forget to monitor as you go and adjust your useage accordingly.

      I once had to go several days on not much fuel and I ended up boiling my dinners for a couple of minutes, shutting down the stove, and then putting a woolen hat over the billy for 20 minutes to allow the pasta/rice to keep cooking with the reatined heat.


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