Getting lost II

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    • #13756 Reply

      Just as re-enforce Paul’s lesson in Ruahines we picked up two boys on Saturday morning on the way to Triangle hut, the weather was misty, and visibility was poor. They thought they were on the way to Porangaki hut, they had no maps, no compass. One boy had previously done a trip from Porangaki hut to Rangi hut. We convinced them to join us after that. There was bit of shower but not heavy that day, when we got the to Iron gate hut, one boy was trying to dry their wet sleeping bag in front of fire (no pack liner). Sunday the weather is good, we had a cruising day out, then we spotted they had nothing for lunch, one boy was eating dry pasta (From my own experience they don?t taste that good), so we all shared some of our lunch with them.
      But it was worthwhile to take those two boys with us because they spotted there was an apple in each car’s exhaust pipe in the car park! We couldn’t get one apple out of one car as it was stuck too deep, hope the poor bugger will notice the paper Debbie put on his wind screen before his car blow up…

    • #17480 Reply
      Glynne Lloyd

      Yibai, I can’t wait to read the trip report in an upcoming newsletter!

      Cheers, Glynne

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