Going tramping?

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    • #12093 Reply

      Then more than likely you will have to cross a river at some stage. Not all rivers are bridged and it IS FUN to get your feet wet from time to time!

      A ‘River Crossing Skills Day’ is planned for the morning of Sunday 2nd Feb.

      Instruction will be given by a Mountain Safty Council instructer and it is promiced to be a FUN & informative morning.

      You will LEARN about:

      – river flow
      – how rivers operate
      – risk management – do we need to cross? what if it goes wrong??
      – crossing techniques
      – pack floating
      – and more…

      There will be a short video & talk then we get into the river for some FUN.

      This is a worthwhile course for both experienced & new trampers, it has had rave reviews (speak to Andrew Mann who participated in an earlier course).

      The more people who participante the more FUN we will have. We will be contributing to making club trips safer with an increased knowledge & experience of rivers. The more people on the course the cheaper the cost to each person is.

      Cost is approx $10 a person if we have more than 12 people. This covers hire of a hall, the instructers travel costs & CUPS OF TEA.

      Sign up at club before the meeting on 29th Jan or contact me:

      477 4066

    • #16334 Reply
      Andrew Mann

      Hey all
      I found the course really good fun. Not only do you learn how to cross rivers, a good part is what to do if you are swept away. Covers pack floating, floating down rapids, escaping the river and getting out of a snaged pack.

    • #16337 Reply

      In order to attract more interest this has been shifted to the weekend of 15/16 Feb.

      It is a morning course – 9am till 1pm. It is still to be confirmed whether it will be Sat morning or Sun morning.

      Get down to club & sign up – Dont delay!

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