Greta Point Cycle lane removal

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    • #14588 Reply
      Peter Blaxter

      Recently the council removed the northbound cycle way on Evan Bay Parade at Greta Point.
      They are also proposing to drastically reduce the available lane width by placing traffic islands in the centre of the road.

      These modifications now make riding north around this area more dangerious and the potential for accidents far greater than with the dedicated cycle lane.

      The councils view is that they provide a shared cycle way on the footpath and the one on the road isn’t required.
      Unfortunately most riders find this alternative entirely impractical for a number of reasons (glass, number of pedestrians, limited paved space around the Cog Park & having to recross the road above NIWA) etc)

      I also think it sends a poor message by a council purporting to encourage more sustainable transport solutions and reduced congestion.

      Anyway, enough of my rating- if you feeling letting the council now your thoughts pop your name on this petition and pass it on to other cyclists you know


    • #18018 Reply
      Wayne Stevens

      Agree most entirely

      Cycling on these shared footpath/bike lanes is a bit of a joke. You risk colliding with kids and others walking around like unguided missles, and then there is the risk of cars coming out of drive ways (particularly from NIWA and the houses around Greta Point)- its darn dangerous what the council is progressing

      Good luck for this petition – ive heard about it from another source and have already signed up
      But the link to the e-petition is below

    • #18019 Reply
      Wayne Stevens

      For some reason the exactly location of the epetition on the WCC website disappears when you post a message on this website.. anyway, here it is again.. (hopefully)

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