Have you spent a night rough in the bush?

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    • #14887 Reply
      Steve Kohler

      I have begun accumulating short accounts from people who, through unforeseen circumstances, had to spend a night stranded rough in the bush with next to no gear.

      The purpose is to compile an article for the FMC Bulletin which show a few vignettes of what happened, how people survived, and what they would do next time and hopefully benefit others who might get stuck some day.

      The contribution needs to be no more than a big paragraph, and can list your name as the contributor or make you anonymous if desired.

      This could be quite an exciting and helpful article; I have about 6 paragraph-sized accounts so far but need more from trampers.

      Hope you can help.

    • #18202 Reply

      Followed an old unmaintained track off Baldy. Track was okay for about half the way, then windthrow obliterated it. Could not find the path again. Bushbashed down the hill, expecting to find the more usual path which skirts the bottom of the hill and goes to Mitre Flats Hut. No visibility in the dense bush and soon became disoriented.

      We were equipped with a tent and as it grew later in the evening decided to camp out. Came across a nice hollow with a minute stream and some dryish ground just big enough for the tent. Pitched up and had a delightful night out.

      We were safe and very happy because we were properly equipped and prepared, had appropriate clothing, food, and confidence about where we were.

      Had we not been prepared, it would have been very scary with potential for hypothermia.

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