head lamps

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    • #12196 Reply
      Paul Jennings

      I am looking to buy a new head lamp can anyone advise. Long battery life is probably the most important quality I am looking for. Preferably under $100

    • #16383 Reply
      Sam Mitchell

      Hi, I would recommend for long battery life you go for something with LEDs (light emitting diodes) incorporated. However, LED lights are great for the immediate vicinity but suffer from a lack of a good long distance beam, therefore I would suggest a head lamp that has both a small high intensity bulb and an array of led’s, usually switchable from 1 to 3 leds, on the 1 led setting you should get almost 48 hours of nice white light with a 3 aa cells. Sorry I don’t have any specific brands on hand but whichever one you think looks and feels well made, is comfortable, has a swivelling lamp and you can afford it will do. All the brands of LED based head lamps are very similar in efficiency. Hope this spiel is of some help, cheers, Sam.

    • #16384 Reply
      dave scotland

      Try looking at stats on petzl saxo.
      Its a head torch that also unclips and can be used as a hand torch. Its great for activities where you are not hanging upside down ie it stays on firmly for tramping
      on alkaline batteries you will probably get 7 to9 hours life with standard bulb (4 batteries). I stash a spare halogen bulb in the spare bulb socket on torch, this is great for situations where you need xtra power re: looking for toliet paper at bottom of pack at night after a spicy lunch.I have had mine for 4 years thrashed it and it still goes( has been drowned twice, taken great tumbles etc) . Is A great torch and if you want to get something more specific later on it makes for a great spare for friends to borrow etc.
      p.s mine cost me $40 from Katmandu( I don’t know how much they are now)

    • #16385 Reply
      Katja Riedel

      Hi Paul!

      I am totally happy with my Petzl tikka, weighs 70g including 3 AAA batteries, costs <$100 and I use only my second set of batteries though I have had the lamp for over a year now. 3 LEDs give enough light for reading, cooking, walking to the long drop. But as Sam already pointed out it has not a long distance beam.


    • #16391 Reply


      are you back from China?


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