Help required for a search and rescue exercise

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      Ross Browne

      Hi All

      I’m involved in organising a search and rescue exercise this weekend. The exercise is for search managers (ie no one actually out in the bush getting wet), but I need some help…

      ..I need 5 people available to interview via the phone on Saturday 17 July, and a few people who can come in and be interviewed face to face.

      The catch: you must have decent local knowledge of the Whangahuia Range (Upper Ruahines) East of Mangaweka. For the face to face stuff, you must be prepared to turn up to RNZAF Ohakea for a couple of hours on the Saturday.

      Please email or text me (021 270 3852) if you are interested in helping out.

      Ross Browne
      National Training Coordinator
      New Zealand Land Search & Rescue Inc.
      P O Box 25-362, Wellington 6146.
      Level 2, 276 Lambton Quay, Wellington

      Ph: 04 473 6108
      Mob: 021 270 3852
      Fax: +64 4 473 6109

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