Help save this website!

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    • #14820 Reply
      Darren Hammond

      The WTMC website is hosted for free by the Wellington City Council’s Wellington Community Network (WCN).

      The council provides the core (but limited) funding needed to operate this large and successful community website hosting service.

      As well as the WFS site there are another 570+ community groups on this site.

      All are at risk of closing. In the WCC’s draft Long Term Community Consultation
      Plan (LTCCP) the current funding does not continue beyond June 2010.

      Consultation on the LTCCP closes on 18 May 2008.

      For a fuller explanation by Wellington ICT, which manages the WCN, go to
      their website here:

      They have set up an e-petition on the Wellington City Council’s website. (It
      was an e-petition on this site that saved the green recycling bins!)
      To help protect the ICT funding by strength of numbers, I ask that you sign
      the petition here:

      If you are inclined to make a submission to the LTCCP the link is:

    • #18144 Reply


      WCN have provided WTMC and over 600 non-profit/community web sites in Wellington for over 10 years – free of charge! I can only describe the idea as being visionary. It is the envy of many community groups in other NZ cities. It would be a tragedy to see that destroyed by a short sighted cost cutting exercise.

      Check these links too

      A bit more info about WCN

      Wellington Community Net

      In 1996 the Wellington City Council (WCC) and the national 2020 Communications Trust identified the need for all citizens in the Wellington region to have access to education, information and communication resources to help make the region a better place to live, learn, grow and prosper.

      It was decided this would be achieved by “… providing an independent communications network for the Wellington region, providing people (with) worldwide access to education, information and communication resources, promoting participation in civic life and enhancing the community socially, culturally and economically. This network is to include community website hosting system, to be known as the Wellington Community Net (WCN) “.

      The responsibility for managing and operating WCN was transferred to the Wellington Region 2020 Communications Trust (Wellington ICT) when the Trust was established in 2002.

      WCN’s primary purpose is to offer a range of information and communications services to the Wellington region, including free web-hosting for non-profit organisations as well as training and other support services.

      The key requirements for access to WCN and its services are laid out in the Hosting Agreement. Signing up to this agreement is the key first step in the online application process.

      WCN caters for a wide range of community groups and organisations, drawn from these categories:

      * Arts
      * Civic Advocacy
      * Clubs and Societies
      * Education and Schools
      * Environment
      * Health
      * Neighbourhoods
      * Professional Associations
      * Religion and Spirituality
      * Sports and Outdoors

      Over 700 community groups and organisations are now registered to use WCN, and more than 600 of them now have live websites. Growth averages 10-15 registrations per month.

      These primary statistics substantiate the major contribution WCN is making to Wellington’s reputation as a ‘digital capital’ and as one of New Zealand’s more future-focused city. This level of contribution has been sustained by aligning WCN with new ideas, opportunities and needs as expressed by the community groups and organisations it is there to support.

      WCN is seen as one of the better ways to ensure that, just like our wider society, Wellington’s information society includes people from every part of the community. It was noted at the original launch that information technology is at the heart of Wellington’s future development, and with the passage of time that has proven to be correct.

      Further information about WCN is available through the WCN website.

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