Hike for Hearts

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      Dear tramping club members

      I’d like to introduce myself – I am Linda Donaldson and I am tramping the Te Araroa Trail the length of New Zealand.
      I started at Cape Reinga in February and have so far walked hundreds of kilometres to south west of Hamilton. Still got about 2300km to go!

      I am dedicating my walk to raising money toward heart-starting defibrillators for use in the community by St John, the charity which operates emergency ambulance services.

      My reason for writing is should anyone like to walk a section with me, follow my progress, like my page or donate to my charity cause.
      Trampers interested in walking a section of the trail with me can contact me by email at or phone 021 56 25 10

      If you would like to follow my progress, like my page or donate for life-saving heart-starting defibrillators for the community, got to http://www.hikeforhearts.co.nz

      Hike for Hearts is a charity project by Linda Donaldson, a 50-year-old Grannie from Tutukaka Coast who is walking the 3000km length of New Zealand.
      As a child she was inspired by pioneer length of New Zealand walker A. H. Reed and read his book about his travels.
      The sudden cardiac arrest and death of her younger brother Lloyd in June 2010 caused Linda to rethink her values and follow her brother’s example of having lived without regrets.

      Linda is dedicating her walk to raise money toward heart-starting defibrillators for use in the community by St John, the charity which operates emergency ambulance services.

      Linda Donaldson

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