Hut replacement/refurbishment priorities

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    • #12238 Reply
      Wayne Stevens

      Hi all

      On Monday we (and other tramping clubs in the greater Wellington-Wairarapa and Kapiti Coast area) are meeting with DoC to discuss priorities for hut replacement/refurbishment in the Tararuas.

      There would seem to be a number of options to be considered, including whether to build a new hut where the present Atiwhatau Hut is, replacing Roaring Stag Hut, an enlarged Maungahuka Hut, among many others

      If you have any views please add them to this forum page or send me an email


    • #16421 Reply

      My 2 cents worth

      Maungahuka – if unlikely that longlasting repairs can be maintained, I’d support a new hut but only of 6-10px size. Otherwise if watertightness problems are resolved and piles are sound then keep it as is. Although damp site, it would be difficult to pick an equally sheltered spot nearby.

      Atiwhakatu – is one of the few easily accessible flat tramps for family groups in the Tarauras. Its current state seems ok but there might be a size issue in the long run if usage numbers increase. A small hut could be retained if adequate camping space is also provided.

      Roaring Stag – it is a dump, always has been since I can remember. Proximity to a remote roadend seems to encourage vandalism (Herepai suffers similarly but because of the hill it deters all but the most committed vandals). Difficult to think of a solution to vandalism problems, and unless there is a better track infrastructure (ie. down the Ruamahanga) it will always be a short in and out trip which tends to encourage booze up visits. NZDA hut so maybe they should take more responsibilty for it? Wouldn’t want to ses brand spanking big hut put in there without thought given to vandalism issue – also wonder whether there is sufficient demand for a big hut there in the first place.

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