Hutt Catchment Aerial Poison Operation

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    • #12184 Reply
      John Hoffeins

      The Club has received a letter from the Greater Wellington Regional Council that reads as follows:

      The Greater Wellington Regional Council will be conducting a possum control operation in the Hutt water supply catchment, during the best fine weather, of June until September 2003. A helicopter will apply sodium monofluroacetate (1080) pellets and the water intake will be shut off for a period of time, during and following the application.

      The purpose of this letter is to inform you that if you have any tramping trips planned for the Tararua Forest Park “Southern Crossing” during these months, you can continue with your trip as the area will not be closed. We will be treating the western side of the Marchant ridge and the southern side of the Renata ridge track. Signs will be installed at entrance points to the treated area, warning what precautions to take. Our staff will check these particular ridge tracks for pellets.

      If you intend to travel into or through the Hutt Catchment please check with the Kaitoke Ranger, as access will be closed on the day of pellet sowing.

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