I’m off to Christmas Island (and VSA wants donations…)

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    • #15423 Reply

      Hi Everyone,

      In advance of you being wowed by my presentation on my upcoming 6 months volunteering for VSA in Kiribati on Christmas Island, I thought I would mention that I am looking to do some fundraising.

      If you can spare a few dollars to help VSA support the volunteers they send out on development work with our neighbours in the Pacific, that would be fantastic! I am also selling books (novels, travel books) to raise some money. If you might be interested send me an email, I’ll send you a list!

      Please see my fundraising page at the link below and see you tonight for my talk:

      If you are interested in what the VSA is all about please take a look at their website. There may just be a volunteering opportunity perfect for you!:

      Thanks in advance for your generousity!

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