International Contest of Mountain Slides

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    • #13864 Reply
      Katja Riedel

      Dear photographer, naturalist or climber.

      For another additional year, the “Mar?a Luisa Memorial” International
      Contest of Mountain Slides organization presents a new edition of this
      contest where two big awards, among others, are offered: the traditional
      award with mountains and nature as the general theme; and a special award
      2004, with climbing, big walls, and mountain climbers as subject matter.

      We invite you, as well as your friends and companion photographers, to
      participate in the competition. Thus, you will join the large family which
      currently makes up this Memorial: 2,600 photographers from 41 different
      countries; with this objective we are sending you our Web page address . There you will be able to find all the
      necessary information to participate in the competition in addition to the
      new developments therein, awards, itinerant exhibits, a photo gallery,
      etc. in any event, we wish to inform you that all the slides received in
      the competition will be returned to their owners, including those which
      are awarded, with no additional cost to the participants.

      Finally, we would like to indicate that this activity is completely
      non-profit, and merely attempts to spread the inherent values of the
      mountaineering way of life and in nature, from a photographic point of

      We appreciate your attention and presumable participation, as well as all
      those who extend this invitation to those persons and associations that
      may be interested in mountain and nature photography.

      A cordial greeting.

      “Memorial Mar?a Luisa”
      Certamen Internacional de Diapositivas de Monta?a
      Apdo. Correos n? 19,
      33530 – Infiesto – Principado de Asturias

      Tefs: +34 985226850 Fax: +34 985710653

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