international mountain photo competition

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    • #12554 Reply

      Hi Folks!

      Have a read if you are interested in participating a international mountain photo competition

      Dear photographer, naturalist, mountaineer:

      As you must already know from our previous communications, the period for the
      presentation of slides in order to take part in the special 2004 edition of our
      mountain and nature slide competition will expire on December 10th.

      Many photographers from all over the world have already sent us their slides in
      order to be able to take part in the said competition. If you haven’t done so yet,
      you are still in time to opt for any of the prizes we shall be handing out this
      year: a first prize (the traditional prize) for mountain, flora, fauna, sport,
      landscape, etc. images; and a special prize for slides on rock climbing and the
      world of verticality.

      Nevertheless, you may obtain information on prizes, competition rules, application
      form, image gallery, records, itinerant exhibition, etc. at, and we shall be at your disposal to clarify any query
      you may have, both concerning the competition and the exhibition.

      Remember that you have until December 10th (postmark date), but it is better not to
      leave things to the last minute. You may send either original slides or quality
      duplicates. In either case, even if they are awarded prizes, they will be returned
      to you.

      Thank you for your attention and possible participation. We would also be grateful
      if you could forward this invitation to any people or associations you know that
      may be interested in mountain and nature photography.

      Kind Regards.


      Certamen Internacional de Diapositivas de

      Apartado de Correos, 19 – 33530 Infiesto (Principado de Asturias) – Spain

      Tel- 985710350 – 985226850 – 985244165 – Fax 985710653 / E-mail:

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