Journal 2010 Extra copies available for $20 each

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      If you are a Club Member you should have received a copy of the 2010 Journal full of great pictures and stories.

      There is an opportunity to obtain additional copies at $20 per copy.

      If you want to pay for and pick up additional copies before Xmas (could be that Xmas prezzie you are after) then send me an email next week. You need to be able to get into town though. You can either pay direct into the Club bank account using your name and “journal” as an identifier or give me cash.

      In the new year you can purchase additional copies on Wednesday nights at the clubrooms.

      Big thanks to Tony and Jackie for again producing the journal, it is a great advertisement for the Club in particular and getting outdoors in general. Show it to your tramping buddies and any prospective new members then bring them along to our new members night next year.

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